Preserving Wildlifes

Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all plants, fungi, and other organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands, and other areas including the most developed urban sites, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While …

Safe Drinking Water Act

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is the principal federal law in the United States intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public. Pursuant to the act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to set standards for drinking water quality and oversee all states, localities, and water suppliers who implement these standards. SDWA applies to every public water …

About our Founder

Bishnu Prasad Poudel

Bishnu worked in social organization for 22 years. He started Future Nepal in 2000. He is a writer of JOB Book of Nepal and Inside Nepal Magazine. He co-ordinates & design various project. He traveled whole Nepal for volunteer program, design different cultural program and festivals, digital photo printing, computer, co-operative training etc. He his a success organizer of tourism …